Ohio Regional Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous
1561 Old Leonard Ave., 2nd floor
Columbus, OH 43219
Telephone: 614-252-1700


TO: Ohio Region NA Members

FROM: Ohio Regional Service Committee

RE: Regional Service Pool


Attached is the new Regional Service Pool Resume form. The Regional Service Pool is a database made up of trusted servants that the Ohio Regional Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous will use to find people who have the willingness to serve the NA fellowship on a regional level. We are looking for members who have the skills and experience that would be helpful in serving the Regional Service Committee as it carries out its responsibilities to its areas and groups. Members with a variety of skills are needed including both recovery and non-recovery oriented skills. When positions become available or when a new project is started, we will be choosing trusted servants from the pool and nominating them for service.

In order to be considered, we encourage you to complete this resume form and return it to the RSC at your earliest convenience. Please return it to the address on the form.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the resume. It is only through members like you who offer to serve that NA will continue to grow and thrive.



The Ohio Regional Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous

Download the Resume